Blog Again

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Hello blogging world! I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me, huh?

It's been a long and feels like eternity kind of hiatus. Well life happened, and time flew unnoticed.

I have been wanting to get back to blogging for a long time, but keep procrastinating it because I couldn't seem to find the right tone and angle to start again. For quite I even considered of giving it up for good, 'cause since the advent of social media apps (looking at you Instagram!), who still opens their computer and blog their hearts out these days?

But I've always enjoyed blogging, and finds it very therapeutic. So why not continue something I like doing? especially in this marathon called adulthood where you'll hardly find an undertaking you'll truly have fun.

So I guess, I'm back. Hang on there my two readers, we can do this haha! As of for the direction and niche of this blog, well TBH, I still have no idea. I have like two blog ideas/drafts, and after that, I don't know where is this going already. wtf.

Pretty much my life in general, I still have no idea what I'm/will be doing with it. Like most people in the internet, I dream to travel and experience more of the world too. 

On how's that going to happen? I don't know. As an INTJ, I suppose to have a plan or should I say more adult-plan. Because I do have some, like if I win the lottery/ find a super rich lover/ become smashing famous; trooping the world would definitely be a piece of cake!

Ok I've talked too much.

So here's to a new blog, and to whatever purpose it may serve!

in the words of Carrie Bradshaw "finding my own voice isn't gonna be easy but for the first time in a long time I think it might be fun"

and here's a photo of me

ps. I'm keeping the comments close for now, 'cause I know to myself that I am so susceptible to validation trap, and I don't want it to affect me and whatever I want to post here.

pps. Blog layout is still  under construction! I've been glued in front of the screen working on it, and good lord, I'm so rusty with coding! responsive themes (yes you can view this blog in any device conveniently) are so difficult to crack! and I still have to make a banner. がんばります!

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