Hansen Matsuri
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Photo heavy post that will cause the death of the browser of who ever reads. You've been warned.
I was totally unaware that there's an Omastsuri in the city until last friday, thank god I found it out 'cause I was totally planning of just staying in this weekend and binge watch all the tv shows and movies on my list! also it saved the blog from collecting dusts and cobwebs from idleness. yay!
So anyways, Hansen Matsuri or also known as Tall Ships Festival. Basically tall ships both from Japan and abroad flocks in the port town of Nagasaki.
Ok, I'm not gonna pretend that I'm so knowledgeable about the event, and won't hypocritically preach it's history and founding reasons like an annoying know-it-all. I just went out, experience it as a first timer and took zombilion photos! also it was a sunny spring day just perfect for shooting outdoors.
the eleventyseven photos..
I did enjoy just strolling with my camera and just snapping around, wish I could have more days like this.
I also started shooting in RAW, and I feel so pro! hahaha just kidding. I appreciate the difference in JPEG, specially the flexibility in post processing.
p.s. I went out last night too, to watch the 花火/fireworks but didn't made it on time. wtf. I took some photos tho..